Most drivers would benefit from getting alternative quotes from various insurers at each renewal period. When policyholders find a reputable insurer offering great rates they would not have much reason sticking with current provider. In fact they might feel a bit let down with their existing providers as they might have thought all along that they have been getting decent rates. However this feeling might not be justified since such company might have really been the best choice last year. But the changes in the market, personal circumstances and most importantly in competitors could have affected auto insurance quotes lately.
Therefore it would be highly advisable to have an open mind when people are searching for cheaper rates. Having strong opinions or liking one particular insurer might hinder the process and might prevent them to have a thorough search. For example they might think highly of certain companies that they might tent to accept an offer from them pretty easily especially when it is cheaper than their current deal. Even though they might be saving some money if they continued their search a bit more their savings could be a lot more. Many people would start looking around with intention to find the best auto insurance deals. They should exhaust all the choices before rushing into making a quick decision.
Considering there are many sources selling car insurance online and offline competition in the car insurance market is quite apparent. In addition it is a lot easier to get quotes and compare insurers in any zip code especially with online car insurance comparison sites. So drivers should determine the level of coverage they like to have and run it through with several companies. Effectively they would have a shortlist of cheap auto insurance quotes in no time. Then it would be a lot easier to see how current renewal terms measure up. At this point they might have to decide whether to stay where they are or move to a superior company.
Many policyholders might like their insurers for various reasons while others would want to switch provider as a result of dissatisfaction. Formed opinion about current insurer would determine their next action a lot in various ways. People started the process mainly because they did not like existing insurer would have no problem switching to alternatives with slightly lower quotes. On the other hand policyholders who are satisfied might want to give another chance to present insurer before making the swap. This would make a lot of sense especially when alternative quotes are only slightly better.
Most car insurance companies would love to capture new customers. Similarly they would hate to lose existing policyholders even though they might be gaining many new clients. Policyholders are probably the most valuable assets and insurers would want to protect them. On that basis drivers might be able to renegotiate better rates than existing renewal terms. However they might actually need to have lower alternative quotes to have a strong negotiating position. Most companies would ask straight if they need to beat certain figure to retain the business. It might actually be a great fun to see how quickly higher renewal quote is coming down when they realize the existence of a stiff competition now.